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Routine Hydrant Flushing and Maintenance

Maricopa CDWID conducts routine hydrant flushing and maintenance within the MCDWID/Heritage District boundaries to help ensure Flushing hydrants are operational, provide adequate water flow, and maintain adequate system pressure.

The District Flushing hydrants are tested and flushed, at a minimum, every year. As part of the program, the District will ensure equipment is intact and functional, inspect the water flow, open the hydrant to allow the water to flow until the water is clear and free from debris and document information about the hydrant.
Hydrant flushing may cause fine sediment particles within water lines to be disturbed. As a result, residents may experience temporary discoloration of their water. If this discoloration occurs, residents should try not to open sink, bath or shower faucets.

Residents should go outside and open a spigot and allow a few minutes for the discoloration to dissipate.
In most cases, this should take care of the problem. This will also ensure there is no sediment in the ice you are using from your ice maker. To verify water is clear, run your tap with cold water.

For questions, contact our office:45290 W. Garvey Ave. or 520-568-2239